Stomach Health & Helicobacter Pylori



  What is the cause of your upset stomach?  
  Instead of stress, spicy food, and alcohol, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection can cause upset stomach and ulcers. There is irrefutable evidence from numerous researches that H. pylori plays a decisive role in the development of chronic gastritis, which may progress into duodenal or gastric ulcer and eventually, cancer. In fact, H. pylori is classified as, and known, as a carcinogen.




  What is Helicobacter Pylori?  
  H. pylori is a bacterium that weakens the protective mucous coating of the stomach and duodenum, which allows acid to get through to the sensitive lining beneath. Both the acid and the bacteria irritate the lining which may cause a sore, or ulcer. Without giving proper treatment, the patient may progress into established duodenal or gastric ulcer or eventually, cancer.



  50-50? You might be an H.pylori Carrier  
  H. pylori infects a large proportion of the world's population. It is reported that over 50% of the Hong Kong population above the age of 30 years old is likely to be positive for the presence of H. pylori and so are carriers. However, some carriers do not have any symptoms at all. Therefore, a diagnosis should be given for clarification.



  Traditional Method of Diagnosis of H.pylori Infection  
  The diagnosis of H.pylori infection has traditionally involved endoscopy with biopsies of the gastric mucosa for the necessary histological examination. But many patients refuse to undertake the endoscopic examination as it is expensive, physically uncomfortable and psychologically repulsive due to the tube insertion and tissue sample removal.




The Advanced AP C13 Urea Breath Test

The Ultimate Ideal Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori Infection


AP Technotrade provides an innovative technology, the AP C13 Urea Breath Test, for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in a very simple and convenient way, which is non-intrusive and accurate.

  • Safe - Clean and non-radioactive, suitable for all people.
  • Easy - exhale two breath samples into two individual sample bags after consuming a lemon tasting AP C13 Urea solution.
  • Accuracy - a high sensitivity (98%) and high specificity (95%) for H. pylori.
  • Economic - the diagnosis cost is inexpensive. Individual and family diagnoses are available for your choice. Extra savings on regular check-ups are available for those with memberships!
  • Instant result - the patient can get the results of the diagnosis in a report on the same day for the immediate treatment for H. pylori infection.


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