AP C13 Urea Breath Test




The Advanced AP C13 Urea Breath Test ; the Ultimate Ideal Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori Infection


The innovative AP C13 Urea Breath Test is a HKSARG registered isotopic technology for the diagnosis of H.pylori infection in the stomach. This diagnostic method has been proven to be very accurate, with a high sensitivity (98%) and high specificity (95%). It is non-radioactive and safe even on children, pregnant women and seniors. It is also a FDA approved test and has been widely used in North America, Europe, etc for quite some years. The patients only need to exhale two breath samples into two individual sample bags, i.e. a normal breath and a second breath after consuming a lemon flavour C13 Urea solution (PROTO PYLORIKIT TM ).

AP C13 Urea Breath Test - Mechanism with PROTO PYLORIKIT TM

The mechanism of the AP C13 Urea Breath Test is to measure the urease activity of H.pylori. The bacterium produces copious amounts of urease which breaks down the C13 labelled urea to produce labelled CO2 and ammonia. The CO2 is dissolved in the blood stream and transported to the lungs for removal. Exhaled CO2 is collected in a bag which will be then processed and analysed by the advanced ISOMAX instrument, a Non-Dispersive Infrared Spectrometry (NDIRS). A quick report will be generated in 7 minutes.

  AP C13 Urea Breath Test - Procedure with PROTO PYLORIKIT TM  
  1. Patients should have fasted for 3 to 4 hours
    before the test.
  2. Collect the first breath sample into the
    first air bag provided.
  3. Drink the lemon flavoured PROTO PYLORIKITTM
  4. 15 minutes later, collect the second breath sample into the second air bag provided.
  5. Both sample bags will be collected for analysis within 24 hours after we receive your request.
  6. Patients' reports would be sent out by fax within 1 working day
  Advantages of AP C13 Urea Breath Test  

AP C13 Urea Breath Test

Stomach Health &

Helicobacter Pylori

A Comparison & Caution of the

use of C13 Urea Breath Tests


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